Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fitting In

What a tiring week! Cooking, eating, travelling, watching tv, more eating.... All just to usher in the CNY.

We went for Malay style ikan bakar for lunch on Monday at TTDI. Andy said a Malay couple were staring at us. I was busy tucking in, cannot multi task, food + food is ok, food + others is a lost case. Why they were staring at us, I have no idea. Minus the mata sepet, Andy can easily pass off as a Malay.

Reminded me of the time when we were in a Houston restaurant. That time we were stared at by some white fellas. Rednecks... Oh, give us a break! There are 1B plus of us in the world, thought people would get kinda used to looking at us by now???

We will probably never fit in no matter where we are. But I have never thought differently... I am Malaysian first, Chinese second.


  1. Wah, suddenly so patriotic!

    So after 1 week of continuos eating + another week more, how far is the needle leaning towards right on the weighing scale now? :p

  2. apa patriotic, pissed off la :p i wish needle leaning towards left :p
